300+ Demolitions Clear Local Eyesores in 2024
The Land Bank has helped clear blight and pave the way for redevelopment by coordinating the demolition of more than 300 houses and residential multiplexes thus far in 2024.
Most of the demolitions were in Youngstown, with several others in Austintown.
The Land Bank has arranged more than 600 demolitions over the past two years with the support of a $6.8 million grant approved in 2022.
“In addition to removing dangerous and unsightly buildings from neighborhoods, these projects enhance our inventory of buildable lots, which is important to our collaborative efforts to build new homes,” said Debora Flora, executive director of the Land Bank.
Photo: Jasmine Handy (right), Land Bank field inspector, checks in on a demolition on West Glenaven Avenue on Youngstown’s South Side as a neighbor looks on. The Land Bank recently cleared four beyond-repair homes on the street – two on each side.