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Land Bank, CityScape Recycle Trees In Youngstown

Land Bank, CityScape Recycle Trees in Youngstown


Youngstown CityScape donated nearly 40 miniature trees from planters in downtown Youngstown to the Mahoning County Land Bank for the second year in a row. The trees were planted for the Christmas season and will now be recycled through vacant land beautification.

The Land Bank will replant these trees at vacant lots in Youngstown.

The Land Bank would like to thank landscaping company, Municipal Action Corporation, Ltd., and the Community Corrections Association, Inc. for providing labor to remove the trees and transportation to replant them.

Maciek Adamczak (far right), owner of Municipal Action Corporation, Ltd., and his employees worked with Community Corrections Association personnel to remove Christmas trees from streetside planters in downtown Youngstown. Mahoning County Land Bank will reuse the trees, which Youngstown Cityscape purchased to decorate during the Christmas season.
Gene Shonce (left), program supervisor at Community Corrections Association, and Maciek Adamczak, owner of Municipal Action Corporation, Ltd., combined their work forces to remove the trees from downtown planters.
Teamwork by Community Corrections Association representatives made the job a bit easier.
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